Jul 9, 2014

6 Simple Words Parents Should Say to Their Kids

For kids, participating in sports and/or aesthetics from young has the potential to build character, perseverance, and skill. But like it or not, parents do inadvertently get caught up - obsessed even - with their kids' performance and this may cause lasting damage to a child's self-belief and confidence.

A few days ago, I chanced upon an excellent article by Dr. Tim Elmore on What Parents Should Say as Their Kids Perform. Dr. Elmore is a student leadership development expert and in his article, he shares from his research with students (who are also school athletes) on the anxiety, pressure, and stress they feel because of what their parents' say or do. More importantly, he sheds light on what these students really want to hear from their parents.

And the most liberating words parents can speak to their student-athletes are quite simple.

Based on psychological research, the three healthiest statements Mums and Dads can make are:

Before the Competition:

Have fun.
Play hard.
I love you.

After the competition:

Did you have fun?
I’m proud of you.
I love you.

But the best takeaway from the entire article are the SIX simple words parents can say to produce the most positive results in their performing children:


That’s it. Just six words.

And although the article's research was done in the field of school sports, those six words are equally applicable and relevant to the aesthetics field. So whether your child is playing a sport or performing a show, there isn't a need for any sideline coaching, nor telling a child that he/she needs to perform better than another individual.

Simply enjoy the experience of your child in his or her sport or activity. Be supportive. Be proud of them. Love them. And love watching them.

Read the full article HERE.

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A-Plus IS said...

This is a very good read. Thank you for sharing this article with us. I am a school member and a proud mother of 3 kids. It is always important to us parents that we show our full support and love to our kids be it in sports, school play or even at the little things they do. Learning to appreciate them in success and in failure and still making them feel that they are best.

Cheekiemonkies said...


Thanks for dropping by our blog. Totally agree with your comments too! :)

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