They seem to be enjoying their food. it has got me thinking... Does adult food taste the same as mine???

So what I usually do is to open my eyes big big, stick my tongue out and stare really hard at them; hoping that I get to try some of their food. Hee hee... But success rate so far: 0% :(
Like today, when Daddy & Mummy went to McDonald's for lunch. The fries look really yummy. Heh. So I tried looking at them, hoping they get the hint...

But they bochup me!!! HMPH!

Never mind lor, I see got other people willing to share their food with me or not... the end, still no success.
Have to make do with these in the end...

bought the gerber food at motherhood @expo last month. But baby doesn't really like it
Maybe you should try the fish & veg one. Ash loves that more than the plain rice cereal.
Anyway, heard that Frisocreme is tasty and most babies love it! But in some cases, after baby eats Frisocrem, they refuse other cereals. You can try that if Ainsely doesn't like any other ones...
The fish and vege is the one I got! :)
i like the way ash looks longingly at the fries. really cute.
wow, u 2 have started weaning yr babies. have just let jo try rice cereal (very diluted) so far.
with my 1st boy, we did everything from scratch for him cos he didn't quite fancy the bottled ones. carrots, brocoli, fish, pasta, potato, etc. tossed all into a blender & that worked well for him.
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