Remember I went for my photo shoot to take part in some baby contest?
Well, the contest begins today!!! And I need all the uncles, aunties, kor-kors, jie-jies, di-dis & mei-meis help... :)
There are about 23 babies in my category and only the TOP 10 babies with the most votes will go through the next round. So Daddy & Mummy tell me no need be shy lah...just come here and ask for support... hahaha...
How to vote ah? ok ok, here's what to do...
Just click on my cute cute picture above to send an automatic email to vote. No need to write anything in the email hor...just make sure the subject title says 'vote Ashton'. hee hee... But remember hor, ONE EMAIL ACCOUNT CAN ONLY VOTE FOR ME ONE TIME.
Erm...BUT if you have more than 1 email account....hee hee hee.... then of course can vote more for me lor... yes I know, buay paiseh... You can compose your own email (no need to write anything in the email) with the subject title 'vote Ashton' and send it to cutestkid@tangerined.com
On behalf of Daddy & Mummy, I thank all of you for supporting and voting for me!!! :)

Psst...think closing date is 28th Oct 2005...so please get your votes in by then. Hee...
1 comment :
Hi Ashton, Sharon & Kelvin!!!
Chanced upon your blog today while idling at work!
Boy! Ashton has really grown to be a handsome boy! Hope to see you around soon.
Love, Esther (Mummy of Amelia (Ashton's Cousin))
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