
I love it, I love it, I love it!
Do you know I can just sit in front of Mr. X and stare at it for quite a long time? Hee hee...
Me think this must have pleased Daddy & Mummy the most, 'cos this means that they don't have to play with me ALL the time. :p
Ooh...what are those colourful objects that's dangling on the tree??? They are so shiny! I just can't take my eyes off them, not even when Daddy was going crazy, pulling out his hair while asking me to look at the camera. HAHAHA... Yep, I simply bochup. Heh.

After some coaxing, I finally looked in the direction of the cam to Daddy's relief. Hee hee... But of course, not forgetting my little red ball that I had caught. :)

YAH LAH! I know my romper is super duper kuniang!!! This explains my chao-bin look. Not my fault okay??? I told Daddy & Mummy liao, but they were too lazy to change me into something more macho-looking. HMPH! Spoil my image only ah...
Then without warning, Mr. X got really naughty and started pricking the back of my head with his spiky leaves. So itchy! Heng I siam fast fast ah...

There's this BIG X'mas tree at West Mall too. I think it must be the height of tiny me multiplied by a million! Hahaha... Anyway, Grandpa brings me over to look at it nearly everyday. Nope, I'm still not bored leh...I'll just sit in my pram, lift my head up and gawk at this gigantic tree, along with all the gingerbread men around it. Wonder if the gingerbread men can be eaten or not? *slurp!*
hi Sharon!!!
I chanced on this site very accidentally and saw this familiar face and realised it's you!
You have a really nice blog and cute son!! I will definitely come back and read more when I have the time 'cos it's really interesting!
Your KR-mate,
Fang Ting(can remember or not?)
I like your blog!!! So cute and interesting!
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