Daddy sent my photo in to some magazine for some baby column...again.

So all thanks to my kiasu Daddy, my photo appeared in a magazine for the 5th time! Hahaha... this time, it's in Today's Parents (March'06 issue).

Can find me or not? :P
And not only that, I also won myself a prize - a Tollyjoy hamper! Mummy says I very good ah; so young help Daddy & Mummy earn money liao. But it would be better if it's CASH lah...HAHAHA.
P.S. If you click on the picture above, you can see the next issue's theme is 'Going Wild' and that the details for sending in your photo are there too. So all kor-kors, jie-jies, di-dis, mei-meis take note! Ask your Daddy or Mummy to send in your photo you can win prize too! Hee hee...
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