Today's lesson was all about CIRCLES! And I was supposed to do my homework and bring a circular object to class. But Daddy was shy to show his tummy to class lah, so I just diam diam when Miss Phebe asked us who brought circlular stuff to class. Hee hee...
After the usual storytelling and sing-along session, it was time to get our hands dirty once again! Whoopee!

Today, we got to play with paint. Since the lesson was all about circles, we were supposed to dip these circular tissue rolls onto some paint and produce a masterpiece on paper. Needless to say, me think my art piece has achieved ebay standard liao. Kekeke...

Then, it was off for some music and dance. But today, I was slightly subdued when it came to dancing... I just stood around, looking at people dance. And when the songs ended, I just clapped my hands. Hahaha...
'Cos I was preserving my energy for the playground! :P

There were lots of big balls bouncing around the playground today. And one giant yellow one caught my eye, so I was always lifting it, throwing it and then running after it. Silly I know... but hey, it was fun! Heh...

Antoher fun session yet again! And I think a tiring one for Daddy too lah... :)
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