Poor di-di; had to lie on Mummy's desk on his own... & pose for photo somemore! :P
I was a bit shy at first... actually can't blame me lah; Mummy's colleagues were all so happy to see me that they swarmed around me like I was some Korean superstar and offered to carry me too. So I just shook my head vigourously. Hahaha...

But I gradually warmed up and started to hang out with some of Mummy's colleagues; especially in the photocopier room. 'Cos they had this automated mail box system that goes in and out of the room, so I just spent most of my time there looking at the mail boxes move in and out. Yah, boliao...
Then today, it was back to school again after a short break last week. And we got to play with paint again today! Teacher told us to use balloon to dip into the paint and dab it on a piece of paper. So fun... erm, I meant the smearing of bright paints all over my hand lah. Hee...

Music session was the usual again, but I think I get better with the dance moves as the weeks progress. Daddy says by the look of it, I can go zouk to mambo the night away soon. :)
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