Yippee! The morning that I can get to collect another medal is finally here... hee hee... and this time around,
Kong-kong &
Por-por turned up as cheerleaders to egg
di-di & me on!

Although we had to wake up a bit earlier than usual to make our way down to the Padang,
di-di & I were both in high spirits... especially
di-di lor...

Erm, maybe it had something to do with the bandana? Haha...

The weather was a bit hot though... but at least the clouds were pretty helpful in shielding parts of Mr. Sun. But hot or no hot, I was determined to finish the whole race on my own this time, unlike
last year where I wanted Daddy to carry me for about 200m of the route. :P

Soon our turn to run was next, and we had a one last inspiring '
OOOSH!' before we trotted to the starting line.

And once the air horn sounded, I was off like the wind. If you didn't know better, one would have thought that I was rushing to find a toilet to relieve myself. :P
Anyway, I sprinted so fast til I had to slow down so that
di-di could catch up...

But to
di-di's credit, he did really well! He jogged the whole route on his own on his first attempt... yah
lah, unlike me

Well, I was definitely enjoying my morning run... and upon hearing that the finish line was beckoning, I quickened my pace some more...

Daddy & Mummy were also cheering
di-di on... and he also jogged faster to try to catch up with me.

Finally, the feeling of accomplishment!

That's 700m down... maybe 10km next? Wahahaha...
We then received our certificates and most importantly, our finishers' medals!

What a satisfying morning workout... but it did made our tummies rumble, and so it was off for a hearty brunch after that with
Kong-kong &
Por-por. And back to home for a well-deserved rest after that...
Whoa....lil' monkies...I salute ur energy level...Grrreat Job and nice medals u got!!!! :):):)
Hee hee... thanks! :)
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