Aug 19, 2006

Schoolday & a little surprise

It's schooltime again this morning, and just like last week, Daddy is still on duty alone... to bring me to school. 'Cos Mummy still resting at home... so too bad for her then. :P

Today's storytelling was about the famous 3 little pigs. 2 stupid ones and 1 smart one. And as usual, ants kept crawling into my pants and so, sit still i couldn't. Hee hee... Rest of the stuff was the usual, though I must admit the music session really got me pumping away! Hahaha...

Then today, our outdoor play session was held at a different playground; with new stuff for me to explore! And so after all the huffing and puffing, the adults tried to get some of us together for a photoshoot. Don't the adults ever learn??? It's never easy getting ALL toddlers to look at ONE camera AT THE SAME TIME. Sheesh...

Me & my friends (clockwise): Timothy, me!, Junhao & Dylan

The 3 musketeers trying to stay focused...

Time passed pretty fast today and so when I was home, I saw a tiny surprise!

A little nice rocker!

But not for me wan lah... for my di-di, courtesy of Aunty Maddy & Aunty Mala. :)

But I test-drove it first lah... Hee hee... Aiyah, must test test to see if safe for my di-di or not mah... :P

Oh and by the way, my di-di had just put up some more photos of himself while he was still in hospital at his blog. That vainpot.

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