Di-di & I put our good legs to good use on Saturday...

Yep, we brought our trikes to East Coast Park over the weekend for some pedaling exercise. Well, maybe for me only... 'cos
di-di still refuses to pedal, preferring to move his trike like how Fred Flintstone moves his prehistoric car. :P

Luckily we weren't riding in tandem, if not it would have been too
siong for me to carry him along too. Hahaha...

But actually
hor, the main highlight of our ECP escapade was 'cos Daddy promised me to bring me prawning! So we went to this prawning place beside Polliwogs (which made di-di all excited when he saw the sign...hee hee...) and got ourselves seated down beside the freshwater pond, with the rod firmly in Daddy's & my hands.
And so we waited.
And waited some more.
And I asked Daddy, "How come so long?"
And I still waited.
Still waiting...

Prawn #1 was in da house!
By the time Daddy threw the hook back into the water for a second try,
di-di & me weren't that keen on sitting down
liao... Hahaha... But I did go scurrying to Daddy when he caught prawn #2!

And erm, that was about it... a total of 2 big prawns was the loot for a very HOT Saturday morning. But the uncle there did top up our catch with another 10+ prawns. Hee hee... Yummy prawns for dinner!
But I did tell Mummy later that the prawns so poor things... yah, I'm a SNAG at heart. :P
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