Sand Tobogganing - Fish FeedingToday,
di-di & I have a day chockful of activities and yep, it was going to be a day out in the sun! Better pile on those sunblock, don my hat and shades and we were ready to go!

Right after our hearty brekkie, our first activity was a desert safari tour, where we sat in a 4WD vehicle and made a bumpy ride to the desert on Moreton Island.

The huge desert was actually man-made and used by soldiers in World War II, but now it has become a place for those seeking thrills.

Oooh... much like us! Hee.

The sand was so fine, and surprisingly rather cooling. The sun was merciless though,
heng there was a perpetual breeze. But
di-di & I were happy enough to be playing with the sand, letting it run through our little fingers.

So what were we actually doing at this barren desert? The answer lies in the steep sand slopes ahead of us.

We were going sand tobogganing, or sliding down the sand at ultra fast speeds on a board! Woohoo, sounds fun!
But the climb up to the top of the slope was tough! Walking up the slope on soft sand was really tiring... but I made it to the top on my own! I told Daddy that my legs were tired but I wasn't panting at all... erm, unlike Daddy. Hahaha...

And once we were at the summit, there was no time to admire the vast scenery around us 'cos it was time to zoom down!

WHEEEEEEEEeeeee! It was SUPER FUN! Be prepared to be covered with sand from head to toe once you reach the bottom though. My face, arms, legs.... even Daddy's pockets were filled with sand! Daddy said it must have taken 5 minutes to climb up, and 5 seconds to come down. :P
But that was a small matter
lah... I loved it so much that I wanted to have a go again! This time with Mummy...

After the tiring ascent once more, I was ready to slide down - this time with goggles so that I don't have to close my eyes. Hee.
Di-di's turn was next, but Daddy didn't bring him all the way up to the summit though. They slid down somewhere from the middle of the slope, but it was enough for
di-di to give the ride a thumbs up!

Yep, we thoroughly enjoyed the thrilling ride downwards which really had us jumping up for joy. :P

It was a good thing too that cold drinks were provided so that we could quench our thirst especially after the perspiring climb.

Definitely a must-try activity if you do go to Tangalooma. Costs are A$35 for adults, and A$20 for children (4 yrs & above). So at least
di-di got a free ride! Heh.

We then headed back to our room for to wash our sand-coated bodies, so as to get ready for our next activity where we had to don life jackets.

We were going out to sea, to a location known as the Wrecks, to feed many many fishes.

Something told me we have reached our destination. :P

And look at all the hungry fishes waiting for our arrival!

Of course, being the kind-hearted kids we are,
di-di & I quickly asked for fish food to feed the poor fishes. Hahaha...

Which the fishes gobbled all up in no time!

We still had time to spare when we reached back shore, so Daddy & Mummy agreed to let us frolic around on the beautiful beach.

The both of us sure looked deliriously satisfied with the time out in the clear blue water

Especially me, since I was trying my best to jump over the waves as they hit the shore. :P

Then it was time to head back to our room for yet another bath, and also for our nap. Unsurprisingly,
di-di & I were knocked out within 30 seconds as soon as our heads touched the pillows.
After the action-packed daytime, it was time for a relaxing evening at our last night at the resort. We had a sumptuous buffet dinner at one of the restaurants, but not before working up an appetite at the playground! Wahahaha!

We so clever right?
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