Dec 25, 2007

Have yourself a very Merry Christmas!

Last night, we had a Christmas party at our place and boy, was it really fun! Well, the loads of presents helped too. Hee hee...

And since my birthday is coming, Daddy & Mummy decided to surprise me by bringing out my dream cake...

Mickey Mouse & gang CAKE!!!

This was what I had specifically requested when Daddy asked me what cake I wanted. Hahaha...

All the adults asked me to make a wish after they sang the Birthday song. But I said, "Don't want."

Why ah? 'Cos I just wanted to blow out my candles immediately! :P

And sneaky little me took a swipe of the cake when Mummy was trying to make me cut the cake. Heh.


Then it was presents galore after that and what else can I say? It was pure bliss just ripping through all those wrapping paper.

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Wishing truckloads of presents for everyone! :)

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