Dec 17, 2015

Books for Kids: Ranger Anne Series

Book Review

The series of Timmy and Tammy books remain as one of Ale's fave to date and as much as I hate to admit it, she is growing up day by day... and picking up new words while upping her reading skill level. So for preschoolers like her age - and even for lower primary school kids - they can progress to the next reading level which comes in the form of Ranger Anne!

Written by Anita Sebastian and illustrated by Eliz Ong (same artist who brought Timmy & Tammy to life), the Ranger Anne series tells the tales of her working and playing alongside zoo animals that kids are familiar with.

Kids always have this fascination with animals, no? But the usual storybooks feature almost the same animals, like elephants, lions, zebras and monkeys. So it was a welcome change to see flamingos, leopards, snakes and even stingrays being on the front covers for a change!

Flipping through the books, I love how the books are kept short and simple but with interesting facts about the animals woven into the stories. Most importantly, the kids are able to pick up the importance of treating animals as our friends, and that they should be respected.

The theme of caring for animals runs strongly throughout the 4 books and considering that the author, Anita, used to work at the Night Safari many years ago, this should not come as a surprise. In fact, she is a zoologist by training from the National University of Singapore.

Another non-surprise would be the first book that kept Ale glues to the pages.

Ranger Anne and the Proud Flamingos, of course... since the pink birds are one of her fave animals!

The other feature that I liked was the inclusion of bonus facts and questions at the end of the books. It provides even more topics for discussion about the animals and I have to admit I did not even know some of them!

And just like the Timmy and Tammy series, Eliz Ong does a wonderful job with the illustrations once again. In fact, I think Ale is attracted to the pictures more than the words... and that is a good start actually if you are intending to get kids be acquainted more with books.

The Ranger Anne series is a great way to get the kids interested in animals. Well, that is assuming if they aren't already because if they are, they will love the books as well! And quite frankly, they make for great Christmas and birthday gifts too!

Ranger Anne Series (Set 1) is retailing for $31.60 (4 books) at major book stores. Or you can purchase your copies fuss-free via online HERE!

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