And so, we were at Auntie Shirley's place for lunch; with me decked out in a flaming red top. :) By now, it needn't take a genius to know that Daddy would want to take a photo of me in my CNY attire...hahaha. So I was positioned next to some plants by the window.

Bad move, 'cos the tiny little kum quats were calling out to me and I was so preoccupied with trying to pluck one out. Hee hee... In the end, Daddy finally managed to take a few better photos of me looking at the camera..but not before I finally suceeded in plucking 1 kum quat too! :P
The adults were having steamboat (again!) and before that, as per tradition, they had to play with their food (again!!) by throwing them up in the air (again!!!). Yup, it's yu sheng time again. And they all huddled together around this plate of raw food, machiam secret meeting like that. Hee hee...

I also had my lunch too - porridge lor, what else? But at least Mummy was smart; she added some of the steamboat stock into my porridge. So that turned out pretty yummy!
After lunch, I accidentally came across this straw lying on the floor and I promptly picked it up. And in case you didn't know by now, according to the Rules for Babies, Section 2B-3: If a baby has an object in his/her hand, he/she can only find out what it is by putting the object in his/her mouth.

Alas, my joy was short-lived as Daddy snatched away my straw before I could derive any enjoyment from it. :(
And so, I decided to play with the CNY goodies containers on the coffee table! Hahaha... I had a great time trying to place the covers back onto the various containers.

Again, in order to distract me, Daddy & Mummy used the excuse of changing my diaper to bring me away from the coffee table. Haiz... Ok ok, that one I don't blame them. But what really I don't understand is why after changing my diaper, did they not help me wear back my pants???

So there I was, walking around in my diapers. Oh well, at least it was cooler that way. Heh.
Anyway, seeing that I was wearing red, Auntie Shirley couldn't resist in asking me to pick 4 numbers for her. Of course I obliged lor... since a 20% commission was dangled in front of me we are relatives after all mah.

Everyone DIAM! I've gotta concentrate really hard...
And the number I picked? Coincidentally, it's the same digits as my kong-kong's car plate number, only in a different order. So if you read about how I suddenly have loads of toys appearing mysteriously in my home, you should know why lah. :P
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