So in order to cheer him up, we dressed up in his favourite football team jerseys!

So how? Nice or not?

Pardon the sullen looks... hahaha... Professional footballers don't smile much you know. Hee hee...
It's just the end result after having endured so much cajoling from Daddy to smile... not forgetting my arm also kena cramp from di-di's weight lah. :P

Anyway, have a GREAT Birthday Daddy! From the 2 cheekiemonkies... :)
hey ashton, not sure if i saw your daddy and little brother today at SBCC (again!). wasn't too sure cos i didn't see you so didn't say hello.
Yeap yeap, you're right. They were there, without me... hmph!!! Didi had to go for his jab and mummy was at her gynae appt downstairs :)
by the way, cool liverpool kit. where did your ah-pa get it from? my husband is a liverpool fan as well.
hello.isaw ur weblog.this is a nice weblog .i live in iran and i have a girl .she have 11 months years old.ur baby is nice.i kiss ur baby from here. good luck
hi anon#1,
Daddy got them from the online liverpool FC store. Then he got his friend in London to send it over.
hi anon#2,
Thanks for ur well-wishes! :) Here's wishing ur daughter to be healthy & pretty always!
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