Hi son,
In August 2006, you were delivered to our family at a hefty 3.265kg (a whopping 350g heavier than your kor-kor). Even at our first meeting then, we could catch a earful of your character - a feisty and loud little one. You were our precious newborn then.
In September 2006, you were chubbing up nicely, filling up your 3-6 months clothings with relative ease. Life for you was relatively simple then- eat, sleep, poo and cry. You were 1 month old then.
In October 2006, you went for your first-ever overseas trip with us, kor-kor, kong-kong and por-por. Though it was just a short 1 night getaway, you enjoyed especially sleeping on the hotel bed. You also had your first swimming experience there, and let's just say, it wasn't love at first sight. You were 2 months old then.
In November 2006, it was getting easier and easier to make you smile and in the process, make the adults go weak in their knees. The cheeky smile that you own, together with kor-kor's, never fail to light up the faces of Mummy and mine. You were 3 months old then.
In December 2006, you were getting really pro at lying on your belly and lifting your head up. You were also getting very curious; the slightest sound or movement would make you stop drinking your milk and turn your head in that direction. Mummy just thinks that you are distracted easily. You were 4 months old then.
In January 2007, you were able to flip onto your tummy unassisted and boy, were you thrilled! You also had the chance to taste solid foods for the first time and I have to say you can really eat. 1 or 2 teaspoons of cereal were never enough for you; it had to be at least 3 teaspoons per meal before you were satisfied. Maybe you can join me for prata really soon? You were 5 months old then.
In February 2007, you were becoming more and more talkative. But only in the mornings when you will be in a super duper good mood. Afternoons were best left for milk and sleep for the cranky you. But you love talking gibberish best to kor-kor. The two of you can go on and on, talking in a secret language that only the both of you can understand. You were 6 months old then.
In March 2007, you had discovered the joys of sitting upright, although you were still relatively unstable then. Lying down on your back will not do it for you; only sitting up to play with your toys will make you one happy baby. You also started the habit of putting items into your mouth. Itchy gums perhaps? We checked but no teeth yet. You were 7 months old then.
In April 2007, you were getting more knowing of the environment around you. Whenever you see a familiar face, your face would light up like a Christmas lights on Orchard Road. And when they go out of sight, you would bawl pitifully. And yes, still no teeth. You were 8 months old then.
Now, you are crawling - by dragging your entire body along the floor. You are also taking a greater liking to swimming now. When you are immersed in the water, your arms will flap excitedly, splashing water everywhere. But still no teeth. You are 9 months old today.
Daddy, Mummy & Kor-kor will always love you, Ayden.
Wow, AA Daddy had Ayden's milestone blogged down so clearly and nicely.
Happy 9 Months to the little one, Ayden!!! :lol:
So sweet....
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