Apr 1, 2008


The past weekend was an action-packed one; having attended one wedding dinner on Saturday night, we were off to Daddy's cousin, Uncle Bernard's 21st birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Did I mention PARTY??? No wonder di-di got so excited...

Me ah? I was also excited lah... 'cos means got candles on the cake for me to help blow mah! Hahaha...

Daddy's relatives were all there as well... and they were all in high spirits too. Must be all the yummy food lah... hee.

Tai-por was there too; and I gave her one of my signature kiss and hug!

We all had our makan first but I didn't eat a lot though, maybe 'cos I was waiting for this.

HEE HEE HEE... I was the first one to plonk myself on the chair nearest to the cake when luk yi-por shouted, " Cut cake time!". But Daddy had to carry me away from my prime seat for the photo-taking shot. Hmph.

Luckily, the adults were all very understanding and I was handed back my chope-d seat. Hahaha... And so, the Birthday SOP began.




And when the cake was being cut, I specifically said to Uncle Bernard, "Remember to cut one piece for Ashton, okay?"

HAHAHA... yah, I scared I no cake can?

So of course, both di-di and me had 1 piece of yummy cake each. And I think you can tell how much we enjoyed the cake lah.


Oh, and happy April's Fool to everyone too! Hee.

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