Jun 4, 2008

murmurs ArT II

Okay, a long overdue post about my second art workshop at the National Museum. It was on a Monday morning, so this time it was Daddy's turn to accompany me! After dropping Mummy off at work, we had quite a lot of time to kill actually before the workshop started. So what to do? Off course Daddy whipped out his camera while we proceeded to Fort Canning lah. Heh.

Outdoors take not enough... go indoors still must continue to take. :P

Luckily the workshop started soon enough... and for this session, we were all going to make a storybook; but I get to draw anything I want in the empty pages to tell a story!

Using crayons - small, medium, big... all have! But first, must listen to teacher's instructions attentively...

Then it was time for action!

Can you understand my story? Hahaha... it's a bit complicated lah. Think I would need a write a trilogy to tie up the loose ends. :P

I told Daddy to take a photo of me together with my book... 'cos I want to show Mummy mah...

Then it was snack time!

Daddy tried to take another photo of me posing with my newly binded book, but as you can see... I just tried to siam. Hee hee...

I had fun over these 2 workshops... and next week, I'll be attending a 1-week long workshop! Can't wait!

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Anonymous said...

hi, where can i find more information on such workshops?

Cheekiemonkies said...

hi anon,

we usually just pick up the info from motherhood forums, or sometimes we get emails from certain schools that are organising workshops or even from SISTIC.

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