The adults continued where they left off yesterday; feasting-wise that is... while kor-kor was busy going around snapping photos of everyone.
Jan 29, 2009
CNY Day II: Food, Food Food!
Second day of the moo-moo year, and the feasting continues...
Kor-kor & I kicked off the morning with a visit to Yi-kong's & Yi-por's house, together with Daddy's side of the family.
Look, Kor-kor helped Tai-por to her chair when she arrived... so helpful right? He even threw in one wet kiss too. Hee hee...
Well, it helped that he got a $10 tip lah... :P
The adults continued where they left off yesterday; feasting-wise that is... while kor-kor was busy going around snapping photos of everyone.
And I was also finding ways of entertaining myself... like putting my whole body weight on kor-kor.
We then bade farewell, and met up with Kong-kong & Por-por to pay one of Jor-Jor's brothers a visit. And yes, you got it right... it was time for more food once again, when we had our lunch after the visit. *burp!*

And since kor-kor & I had just recovered from our sore throats, Daddy & Mummy decided to bring us back home for our afternoon nap first before heading out to Ye-Ye's & Ma-Ma's house after we got recharged.
Daddy's relatives congregated there for the last stop of the day, and what better way to end it off than to toss yusheng for good luck. Once again!
Hee hee... and this time, I joined in the fun as well!
I didn't know throwing up food into the air could be so much fun! HAHAHA... I mustn't be left out again next time liao.
More makan later, it was time to head home. Heng Daddy & Mummy are on leave the next day... well, thanks to kor-kor & me as we have no school tomorrow. Heh. Time to let out tummies to go on a diet! :P
The adults continued where they left off yesterday; feasting-wise that is... while kor-kor was busy going around snapping photos of everyone.
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