*Just another quick note about Polliwogs:You can pester your Daddy & Mummy to buy the season pass for Polliwogs at $88.80 (U.P. S$105) for 6 entries which is valid for 6 months. Usually, it costs $18 for 90 min worth of fun time per child for weekends, & add $4 to include the outdoor bouncy float.But if you got the season pass, it's UNLIMITED playtime even for weekends, and that includes the outdoor play too! So of course more worth it hor? Hee hee, think your Daddy & Mummy will be praising you for being such a clever boy/girl. :P But hurry, me think the promotion is on til only the end of this month after which the price reverts to S$105 for 6 sessions.Ok, so after having tons of fun at Polliwogs on Saturday,
di-di & I were visibly quite tired but somehow, we both felt that it was still too early to head home. :P

And so, we bargained for some more time... for us to hang out by the beach. Hee hee!

Although it was the early afternoon, it didn't feel extremely hot as there was a continuous breeze that accompanied us while we were busy poking the sand with twigs.

And our bonus time got extended when Daddy & Mummy decided to have some ice cream while chilling out in the shade. Hahaha...

In the end, we totally trashed our afternoon naps as
di-di didn't even close his eyes during the journey back home. I, erm, did get my power nap in the car for a superbly long 10 minutes before both of us were all jumpy and hyper again at home.
And what do you know, we promptly went to bed at 8pm that night. Think Daddy & Mummy must have enjoyed the sweet sound of silence for that one night. Heh.
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