Mummy managed to score some free tickets to the Singapore Flyer. And since
di-di & I had already been up there once, we decided to ride on it come nightfall.

It looks pretty dazzling at night, especially with the huge star in the centre of the wheel. I didn't realise it was actually a Christmas Tree until Daddy pointed in out to me. I still like my Christmas Trees to be conventional-looking. :P

Just like our first time, we had to navigate through a series of escalators before we boarded the capsule... and yup, the night scene looked quite spectacular especially with all the Christmas light decorations adding glitz to the area.

But blinking lights or not... us monkies being monkies, we got bored before our capsule even made half a round. And you do know what monkies are best at right?

lor! Hee hee...
Or besides that, the usual photography session...

Which meant that we couldn't get away from Daddy's camera in such a confined space!

Nice pose eh,

We probably smiled the widest when our capsule's doors opened. Hee hee...

And no prizes for guessing where we rushed off to when the doors opened....
Nope, not to the souvenir shop or home
lah. To the toilet
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