30th June: Sea World, Surfers ParadiseAs you can probably tell, the last leg of our Australia holiday has so far been completely devoted to Theme Parks. Which delighted
di-di & me of course! And today was no different.
Yep, we REALLY made full use of our unlimited entrance tickets and went back to Sea World once again. Also partly 'cos we didn't get to sit most of the rides we wanted the last time we were here as it was too crowded.

And luckily for us, we found a super shortcut way to bypass
ALL the crowds! So here's the
SUPER TIP to get into Sea World without the hassle if you are staying at the Sea World Resort - You
do not have to enter the theme park through the main gate, rather there's a monorail station at the resort which brings you to the theme park. But forget about that as well, 'cos after you enter the monorail station at the resort, walk down the ramp on your right which will lead you to the
BACK entrance of Sea World. And there were no queues! Best of all, although the official opening time is 10am they will let resort guests in at 9.30am!
shiok lor... when we entered, it was as if we had booked the whole theme park to ourselves. Hahahaha... I was so happy that I decided to be a penguin.

But Daddy said the real penguins were cuter
lah. Hmph.

We dropped by the Manta Rays pool, and found out that there will be a feeding session later in the morning so we decided to come back later.

You can tell from the photo that there were only just us at the manta ray pools... no crowds at all! Hee hee... so of course we headed straight to the popular thrill rides first!

Erm, yup...
di-di & I wanted to try out this plunging water ride since we saw it 2 days ago but the queue was madness. And so, this time we managed to get onto the ride without much waiting, and succeeded in getting drenched too!
WHEEEE!!!!Thumbs up for us monkies! Hahaha...
Di-di then decided it wasn't thrilling enough so he requested to go onto the log flume ride as well!

Well, I declined 'cos once was enough for me. :P
DOUBLE WHEEEEE!!! Our legs didn't turn to jelly after those rides, as we were still able to win for ourselves a soft toy each at the game stalls after that. Woot!

Then I requested to catch the Dolphin show once again, so off we went...

Tummies a-growling while waiting for the show to start... nothing like a stick of Churros to get a sugar high. Hee.

I had to measure carefully so that
di-di wouldn't bite off more than his share of the sugar stick. :P

But we promptly forgot all about the Churros when the show started... hahaha...

As usual, I was deeply captivated by the dolphins' soaring performance... it made me want to... go... on more rides after that! HAHAHAHA...

And so, we did just that! All the rides at the Sesame Street Beach in fact!

Including this Big Bird Bounce which was somewhat similar to the Sylvester & Tweety ride at Movie World (which we loved so much)...

Then it was time to fee the Manta Rays!
We were able to purchase cups of food (which had fishes & squids) and feed them directly to the rays.

As their mouths are underneath, they had to prop themselves almost one-third out of the water and grab the food from our hands.

It felt really amazing feeding the manta rays, 'cos it was unlike feeding a bird or a horse where you can see its mouth clearly. Mummy, too wanted a go at it after seeing how much fun I was having. Heh.

Then we proceeded to the touch pool where we got the chance to feel how sea cucumbers and starfishes felt like.

Really really soft and slimy for the sea cucumbers I say! The starfishes were harder, and definitely more colourful.
There was also the huge Underwater Aquarium which had so many fishes, rays and sharks too! Much like our Underwater World at Sentosa.

Before we knew it, it was already late in the afternoon and the sun was setting soon. Yes, the sun sets really early in Australia - at 5pm!
And since Daddy had promised us (and I bet he regretted it :P) that he would bring us to try out the children's water pool at our resort, we decided to make our way back so that we can all get wet and

Yup... you can't tell from the photo but it was a cool 16 degrees Celsius. And the pool wasn't heated
hor. But actually, it was still alright for me 'cos I'm like Daddy - would rather freeze than perspire. Hee hee...

Needless to say, we had lots of fun in the pool though Mummy cleverly stayed away. But the tricky part was coming out of the pool after that to go back to our room...

IT WAS JUST SO COLD... no thanks to the WIND!!! Hahaha...
Di-di was chanting 'so cold so cold so cold so cold so cold' all the way back to the room. Hee hee... But it was a fitting end to our 5 nights stay at Sea World Resort as we will be checking out the next morning. We sure are gonna miss this place!
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