Sep 21, 2005

MORE Apparel for...ME!

Thanks Mummy for the nice little entry for Daddy! Daddy told me he was really touched...Awww..... :p

It was Daddy's birthday yesterday but guess who got ALL the presents??? Hahahaha...

Yep, Daddy couldn't resist getting more clothes for me from Fox Baby again...especially with the $10 voucher with every $40 spent promotion. Hee.

And I also got myself a pair of new shoes too! Adidas shoes leh...

Nice or not? I love it very much! :)

Ok, can't blog already. Gotta go dress myself up 'cos I'll going for my first photoshoot for some baby contest exciting!

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1 comment :

tazie said...

hey ash's mummy, i loved this entry. i actually cried when reading the part about little ash reaching out to touch pappy's face... =') he is such a cute little boy... here's to more good health and tonnes of love & happiness for mummy; pappy & little ash... =)

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