Media Invite
After watching a few Cirque du Soleil shows in the past years, I have yet to be disappointed. That's because every Cirque du Soleil show is unique - not only from other acrobatic or circus shows, but also from one another. But they all share a common trait: they are all jaw-dropping, visually stunning and promise a fantastic time out for the family.
And why should KURIOS be any different?
KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities is playing under a brand-new white-and-grey Big Top on Bayfront Avenue, next to Marina Bay Sands from now until 18 August 2019... and did you know that Singapore is only the third country in the world after USA & Japan to host KURIOS? It is that new a production!
KURIOS tells the tale in which time comes to a complete stop, transporting the audience inside a fantasy world where everything is possible. In this realm set in the latter half of the nineteenth century, reality is quite relative indeed as our perception of it is utterly transformed.
But let's face it - I didn't go to a Cirque du Soleil show expecting to be wowed by a storyline.
I want to pick my jaw up from the floor, chew on my nails and clap my hands until they are sore.
And boy, did KURIOS deliver all that... and MORE.
I will go into the acts in a bit but first, can I just say how much I love the costumes and props of KURIOS! The wonderful combination of highly detailed set and props and wildly imaginative costumes enveloped us into a surreal world of steampunk fun.
I particularly love the Accordion Man's costume which ripples with every move. To make the Accordion Man’s attire, the costume-maker spent an entire week sewing inside the costume!
In all, more than a hundred costumes were created to dress the cast of KURIOS. In addition, there are 426 props in the show, the most of any production in Cirque du Soleil’s history.
Here's a TIP: go early to be seated for the show and you may just end up having the opportunity to go on the stage for a walk across the rope bridge!
Like how a trio of wriggling contortionists execute a series of incredible displays at an astonishing pace using the Mechanical Hand as a platform.
Like how performers bounced and rebounded off of a gigantic net-like trampoline and flew so high that I thought they were going to hit the lights at the top of the tent.
Like how an aerial cyclist who cycles upside-down and dangles from a wheel.
But the stand-out acts for me were "Rola Bola" and "Upside Down World".
If you think balancing on top of a plank and cylinders is easy, you haven't seen “Rola Bola,” which is the same act BUT done on a giant platform which is swinging THROUGH THE AIR. 😱 Absolutely thrilling stuff!
"Upside Down World" is also one of my faves because of the ingenuity behind it. The act starts off typically as a balancing act where the perfomer builds a tower of chairs and balances on them to reach a chandelier dangling above. As he climbs higher and higher, a parallel universe with a mirror image of the dinner table and chairs appears from the ceiling! All I can say is you have to watch it for yourself.

Adorable characters such as the Microcosmos, who wears a towering hat and carries the amazingly petite Mini Lili within his huge metallic belly, bring balance to show. Rima Hadchiti, the artist who plays Mini Lili is 3.3 feet tall and weighs 41 pounds. She is one of the 10 smallest people in the world!
Indeed, KURIOS is not all about spectacular athleticism. There is also a theatrical element which makes the show captivating, as shown in “Invisible Circus,” in which a ringmaster presided over a series of traditional circus acts but the people supposedly performing these feats were left to the imagination. I also loved “Theater of Hands,” a delightful piece of mixed-media performance art where the characters were portrayed by a performer’s hands. Intimate, funny and all too charming.
There are not many more words that I think can give TOTEM real justice. Just listen to the thunderous applause at the end of the show!
All of us walked out of the show completely gobsmacked by the sheer showmanship and magic. And all of us agree - KURIOS is the best Cirque du Soleil show we have ever seen!
Congratulations to GINNIE QUEK! You have won FOUR tickets worth $540 to catch KURIOS!
*PLEASE email me at for prize collection details. Thanks!
IMPORTANT: The tickets are strictly valid for the 8pm show on 25 July 2019.
1. LIKE Sliding Doors Entertainment's Facebook page HERE.
1. SHARE this blog post of the giveaway on Facebook for a BONUS chance! Remember to set your profile to public so that I can see the shared post.
2. Head to my post on Instagram to score more bonus chances!
Useful Information
KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities
Now until 18 Aug 2019
Tues - Fri: 4.30pm, 8pm | Sat: 4.30pm, 8pm | Sun: 1.30pm, 5pm
Under the Big Top, Bayfront Ave, Beside Marina Bay Sands
From $95
Hope to win for my family as we love to watch the show esp the excitement. Hope to win.
Fb Carol Neo
I would like to win the tickets for my child and parents as this is a very entertaining show for both young and old.
This will be a great chance and outing for family bonding!
Hope to win these tickets to bring my family to embark our first circus show.
FB Michelle Clare
I love to win these tickets for my kids as my kids are always curious and active about anything from indoor to outdoor.. And also they never been to this before.
Have never been to one of these shows and I think my 3 year old would be thoroughly amazed by it!
Crossing fingers to win these tickets! Thanks!
Hope to win for my 8 year old daughter who always wish to watch the show since they first time in singapore.
Thank you!
Wanna win this to have a fantastic time with my family.
Have not been to a circus like this before and really wish to win this for my Hubby as it’s his birthday month.
Hope to win the tickets for the family and bring them to watch a circus for the first time. Also will like to surprise my hubby as he is a July baby. Thanks in advance.
Hope to win to bring my family to experience the circus live!
Hope to win the tickets for my family as this will be the first time we watch the curcus. They will be very excited.. Thanks in advance
Hope to be able to win the tickets and bring my 2 precious kids to watch it. They super love circus and hopefully they will be able to watch it and enjoy it. Thanks
Hope to win the tickets and bring my 2 precious who super duper love watching circus. They will surely be happy if they are able to get the tickets to watch it. Thanks.
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I've caught Cirque Du Soleil when I was single more than a decade ago. The performance and ambience still lingers in my mind till now and the adrenaline pumps everytime there's a dangerous act. I would love to watch this show with my hubby and children to give them a glimpse of the acrobats world with such awesome performances, and know that I wasn't exaggerating when I speak of Kurious with excitement. I hope we could share the memories and still talk about this show for the years to come.
Really hope to win this giveaway as we have never been to any before. Hope can bring my parents to enjoy the show. Thank you for having this giveaway.
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I've caught Cirque Du Soleil when I was single more than a decade ago. The performance and ambience still lingers in my mind till now and the adrenaline pumps everytime there's a dangerous act. I would love to watch this show with my hubby and children to give them a glimpse of the acrobats world with such awesome performances, and know that I wasn't exaggerating when I speak of Kurious with excitement. I hope we could share the memories and still talk about this show for the years to come.
Would like to win the tickets as we never had such experience before! My son will surely like it! And have fun family time together...
Hope to win this and bring my 2 kiddos to experience the circus in live! 👍🏻
Besides the excitement,I would want my kid to know how these performers practise so hardly to present this wonderful show. They may fail,they may hurt,they may cry behind the stage,but they never give up. So today they succeed for the show. I hope when my kid enjoy the show,at the same time,he can learn more beyond the show.
I would love to win this Giveaway for my family.
This would be our first experience to the circus to catch the show.
I believe it will be a memorable experience and great family bonding time.
Hope to be able to win these tickets to bring my daughter who is turning 6 in August and my 3yo son for their first circus show! Thank you!
Liked both FB & IG page. Shared this blog post on my fb too.
Sincerely hope to win for my family for chance to catch THE CIRCUS in their spectacular stunning performances. I believe my mum (aged 72) will be surprise and happy if i won. Thank you @Cheekiemonkies always host the awesome giveaway. (^. ^)
I wish to win for my boys who always curious about circus. We never been to any circus before, hope to experience the fun and exciting atmosphere of a circus.
I was awed more than a decade ago when I watched Cirque Du Soleil with my ex-colleagues on a company outing. Since then I left my job to be a stay-at-home-Mum for my twins. It’s been just different experiences as a SAHM and I can see my twins developing. I think Cirque Du Soleil performances combine thrill, fantasy, magic and reflect the sheer hard training that the performers put in....somewhat like what SAHM/parents go through 😊 Hard work and discipline can bring wonders! It’s a good message to my kids and us as a family. I hope to win this for a wonderful evening out with my family!
Love the blog and think we would love the show as much. Enough said, good luck to me and everyone. Cheers.😍
Had watched the Cirque Du Soleil show 2 years ago. So did not think of watching it this time round. However, after reading your review, makes me want to watch this year's performance!
Hope to win the tickets so that the whole family can watch together!
I would like to win this for my family. My gals have never been to circus air do not know what is circus actually. By winning this will help them to open their eyes and mind. Plus it's been a long time we have any family outing.
Hope to win and bring my parents along.
Oh my god my mom and dad have been talking about going for cirque du soleil for YEARS and this would be a dream come true! I had even planned to book shows for the 26th of July as it would be my birthday and I wanted to thank my parents for bringing me on this earth by bringing them to cirque du soleil! Really would be extremely humbled and so incredibly happy if I managed to win this. Would be one of the best birthdays ever! thank you so much for this giveaway! ♥️
My Son and I always longed to watch one. Heard this is one of the best in town.
I would love to give the tickets to my parents and parents in law. I have gone to see KURIOS with my hub and 8yo. This show is not just for the young, but the young at heart - no matter what their age is! They will thoroughly enjoy this amazing spectacle.
I want to win these tickets to watch with my family ! My birthday & 23rd Wedding Anniversary falls in month of July - this would be great occasion to celebrate with a beautiful performance by Cirque Du Soleil !
I will hope and love to grab this chance to win this for my family for our very first family circus experience . Thanks @cheekiemonkies for this giveaway and hope I can win this as our 10th wedding anniversary present that we can bring smiles on ourselves and our kids too! It’s certainly astonishingly looks real exhilarating spectacular that everyone should not miss it! We will certainly clap our hands til it sore cos every minutes of act on the stage is many years of efforts they put in . Risking their life to put up the best for us which really worth a great salute and appreciation !
My kiddos love performance, how difficult to catch the best professional circus in Singapore. The last live performance was to disney where i gotten an accident, hope i can bring the whole family to get over that bad experience and start afresh, let the kids be real happy, just nice 4 of us to this stunning performance where we can cheer and wow together with beautiful memories
I will like to go with my family as it will be the first time that we get to watch a circus up close and personal. It will be a fascinating show with a talents scouted from worldwide that will amaze us with their skills, acrobats, costume, story, light and music for a spectacular entertainment and memorable evening. It will be an experience of a lifetime that we will cherish and appreciate since the Cirque du Soleil is well known for engaging their audience into their performance.
I will like to to bring my family to watch the KURIOS by Cirque du Soleil Singapore. It will be so exciting to catch their breath-taking dare-devil acts that astonishingly impossible for common folks. It will be a magical evening to watch the world renowned circus in Singapore without the need to travel overseas.
We have not been to a circus before. It will be a great treat and eye opener for the kids and even myself.
Fb: Jingxian Liang
I have been to the last circus and it is really good. Hope to win for myself the tickets for my family and will be the best present for my birthday 🎂!
Would love to bring my dear family to this circus act! We havent watched such incredible performance before and this would be an incredible, breath taking and unforgettable experience! Fingers crossed for positive news!! Thank you for the giveaway! My family would be thrilled to witness such amazing acts by the crew~ ^^
Hope to be able to bring my family to catch this awesome show, as it has been quite a while we spent time together
Hoping to win this as I have always been wanting to go with my family, but have yet to find a chance to do so. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hope to win it for my birthday as my birthday falls on that weekend and catch it with my family!
Tickets are really expensive so we've never really gone for such performances before. If we win, it'll be the first time my kid ever goes for such a thing, and it'll be a great family memory. Hence, hope to win!!
It’s my daughter’s first taste of formal education this year and I must say she did quite a good job for the first half of the year therefore I would really love to win this to reward her for a night of excitement and fun maiden experience!
Really wish to win this ticket for my family and my self . Would super love to experience the awesome live performances and also unforgettable memories too thanks for the giveaway finger cross
Hope to bring my kids to circus as they have not been to one before.
Reading all the rave reviews makes me excited about the show. Hope to win this for our family of four. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hope to win this as I want to bring my boys and introduce the circus to them.
I want to win the tickets to watch the KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities by Cirque du Soleil because I have always been fascinated by how the performers manage to give a spectacular display of artistry and act in such amazing jaw dropping stunts. I wish to be able to transport myself into this realm, be surrounded by the whimsical characters and be mesmerised by the stunning visual treat with arresting acts and an earworm soundtrack. Love the magical moments it brings to an otherwise dull mommy life.
My wedding anniversary and hubby’s birthday is round the corner so it is actually an opportune time to surprise him and my family with this treat! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks for the giveaway.
Would love to win tickets for my boy to experience the show as we have heard raving reviews!
I hope to win this for my daughter who wish so badly to watch Kurios after watching the TV commercial with so many good reviews.
Wish to win this ticket for my mum whom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She has been feeling down due to her sickness. Mother has never been to any kind of show or concert before. We hope to be able to spend more quality time with her and also to keep her mind out of her sickness.
Liked and followed both FB & IG page. Shared this blog post on my FB too.
Just reading your blog post already leaves a trail of gunpowder in my veins, and perhaps winning the tickets is the only match, letting it spark, bringing my soul out to play! Oh, to be correct, it's my family of 4.😃
We've never been to any Cirque du Soleil show. Would very much hope to enjoy a magical and unforgettable experience, especially we're in a celebrating mood now. (My daughter is a July birthday girl and I share the same birthday as Singapore.)😊
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